Pets International Hamster Paw Print Petware 3 Inches - 100079394



For hamsters and gerbils.3 Round Ceramic Dishes Are Twice Baked And Heavy Duty. Decorated with Actual Paw Prints And Face Silhouettes Of A Hamster And Are Available In Fourcolor Combinations. Dimensions (L x W x H) : 2.88 x 2.88 x 1.06.Your Pet will Love it.Makes for a great Gift.

Pets International Hamster Paw Print Petware 3 Inches - 100079394 Review

Requiments are fine, looking fine, working fine. Pets International Hamster Paw Print Petware 3 Inches - 100079394 at 14.12 is the best choise for people who like high standart of working with this kind.